Paris Climate Accord Meltdown

Idiotic “climate accord” – buh-bye. The far-left is in full temper tantrum mode over Trump pulling the US out of the flawed, unenforceable, corrupt Paris climate accord.

Some of the adjectives being used are: “stupid, reckless, illegal, treasonous, and planet-destroying”. Projection alert: all of these things can actually be said of the original accord, but that is what leftists do.

Here are the facts, which are kryptonite to leftist crazies:

The accord was of dubious legality in the US since Obama refused to put it in front of Congress as it is required by law if an actual treaty. He knew it would die there: that is why he took it upon himself to sign. If the left wants the US in this, put it to vote. That is how the country works.

The accord will do nothing to halt “global warm, er, climate change”. Only countries in North America and Europe would have their emissions cut, leaving the developing world and India/China to continue to pollute while growing their economies.

The accord is entirely unenforceable as is. The only mechanism to get countries to comply is moral suasion. We have seen how that works out: every nation has cheated on previous emission treaties like Kyoto.

The accord would pressure the US to pay billions to corrupt third-world nations to develop “alternative energy” sources. Bet that will work out well. It is basically extortion.

All those US CEO’s pushing for this (Tesla, Apple, Google, JPM, Exxon, ect) must know what they are talking about, right? Yeah, they are all big business corporatists who will profit mightily from government handouts. That’s right. Follow the money.

“The US needs to be a climate leader” says the left. Well, by pulling out of this farce it is being a leader.

The short story is that this is another well-aimed thumb in the eye to the elitist, globalist movement. That is why the left is so enraged. Their attempt at world order is crumbling. Bravo, President Trump.


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