DC Cesspool Will Never Rat On Itself

I fear this is true. The corruption in DC is so glaring, so wide-spread and far-ranging that a full investigation and prosecution would be an existential threat to “the state”. The movie “Clear And Present Danger” was quite prescient.


Formerly Conservative Chick-fil-A Is Caving to The LGBT Mob

Apparently, in a nod to LGBT radicals Chick-fil-A is no longer funding the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and, wait for it, Salvation Army! Is there an organization in the US that has done more to help the poor than the SA? As a customer of one and supporter of the other I am disgusted with Chick-fil-A. What is worse is the company is now donating to openly leftist causes. When will companies learn that you cannot placate the leftist mob? They will only keep pushing you around. Your move, Chick-fil-A.



Leftists Are Horrible People

And are trying to destroy society and culture. From trampling on free speech on campus, to bullying corporations, to attempting to ostracize fine charitable organizations that do great work, to holding silly “climate change” protests at football games the left is out to destroy this country and western culture. Do not EVER give into the leftist mob – it only emboldens them. They will never stop until they are ridicules, marginalized and put down. Here are some recent examples.




Baylor?! Of all places! A Baptist formerly conservative university.


If these climate clowns were actually serious they should demand their schools eliminate their entire athletic programs. After all, sports is just frivolous entertainment and a lot of energy resources are wasted putting events on and transporting teams and fans to the venues.


California Is Collapsing

Highest poverty rate in the nation. #4 in homeless rate. Millions without power. Highest taxes in the nation. Filthy cities. Third-world diseases. Corrupt state-run boondoggles. These are just a few of the symptoms of a leftist-borne crisis. Leftist politicians and special interest groups are destroying California. I have traveled to many places around the world, including Bangkok, Jakarta and Sao Paulo. What you see there is fabulous wealth and very close to it abject poverty. Right now I would say California has much more in common with those cities and countries than it does its fellow American states. California is failing and it will soon be a crisis.

