Leftists Contravene Law Whenever It Suits

This happens at all levels all the time, but especially in DC agencies. Leftists generally have decided that they are above the law. The latest case involves a Massachusetts judge who does not like immigration law, so she let a criminal illegal walk from her court through the back door. That’s called legislating from the bench. She is now facing obstruction of justice.

Massachusetts Judge Discovers Letting Illegal Aliens Flee Her Courtroom Isn’t a Game

This is REAL obstruction. Accusing Trump of the same is laughable by comparison. I repeat: that which the far-left radicals accuse others of, they are themselves guilty of. It detracts from the attention.

Bernie Sanders Wants Incarcerated Felons To Vote

That’s right: terrorists, bombers, rapists, pedophiles and murderers all should have the right to vote in Bernie Sanders’ f-ed up world. Make no mistake, Sanders is a very dangerous Communist. He is power mad. His ideas come straight from Marxist-Leninist theory. Thankfully he is likely too old now to really have an impact on the US, but his ideas are dangerous.


This is not your father’s Democrat party: it is the party of infanticide, open borders, complete servitude to government, absurdly high taxes, anti-Semitism, economy crushing environmentalism, and incarcerated felons voting. In short, it is the party of Communism.

Higher Education Needs To Be Destroyed

Or at least remade significantly. This is the best piece I have read on the crisis in higher education yet. From admission scandals to the corrupt student loan racket to poor education to indoctrination, the whole university system is due for major upheaval. The article does not offer any solutions per se, but is more of a wake-up call.

The author hints at fixes: not everyone needs to go to college, in fact perhaps most do not these days. This will hit the academic-industrial complex hard and force change. Leftist academia won’t like it….they may have to get real jobs. Kill the government-run college loan industry which is large Obama’s Frankenstein monster. And have industries devise ways to get the skills they need without burdening their future employees with debt and years of lost wages taken on via college.



Abortion Will Be Unthinkable 50 Years From Now

Stunning, but far-left media site Vox had the idea (I won’t call it courage, because Vox is usually not objective and perhaps there is an ulterior motive) to publish this very thoughtful essay from a research fellow and English prof at Liberty U. One statement really grabbed me, one I had never heard before: abortion isn’t liberation, rather it is the redistribution of oppression. Powerful words. Hopeful statistics can be found in that the abortion rate has dropped by almost 2/3’s since the early 80’s. In the early days after Roe abortion clinics popped up on virtually every street corner in many large cities. Now they are difficult to find. Progress comes by giving human rights to those who never had them before….



The Worst Leftist of The Week

Rebecca Mankey, a 47-year old leftist crazy in Palo Alto viciously harassed a Jewish man minding his own business in a local Starbucks for daring to wear a “MAGA” hat. She also urged others to join in her hate, though none did. Nobody came to the man’s defense either. For her trouble, this vile harpy was fired from her job by a long-time friend, the owner of the music business where she worked. Pay attention folks, this is the kind of low IQ leftist who will gladly march people off to “reeducation camps”, or a ditch to have a bullet put in their head.



Check out the picture of this nut. Figures. She has now gone into hiding. Excellent.

Another Airport Drops Chick-Fil-A

After leftist fascist NY assemblyman Sean Ryan has a hissy-fit. First San Antonio (San Antonio!) and now Buffalo. These politicians are not banning Chick-Fil-A because it discriminates against the LGBT crowd: it doesn’t. They are banning the restaurant because they hate traditional Christian views. They are trying to ostracize the company and make those who do not toe their LGBT line outcasts.

Well, I have a suggestion for all conservatives, traditionalists, Christians, and the rest of you who are sick of government bullying and over-reach. Do not visit these cities. Take your tourist or business dollars elsewhere. Boycott them. Who would want to visit Buffalo anyway? I’m not.


Jerome Corsi: I was Interrogated by The Mueller Team for 40 Hours and Encouraged to Lie

The Mueller investigators were so certain that conservative journalist Corsi had knowledge of Julian Assange’s Wikileaks that they tried to force a confession, and when that didn’t work they tried to get him to “confess” to something that was not even a crime to avoid jail time. It didn’t work either.

Don’t kid yourself, there are criminal elements in the US government who employ thug tactics against our own citizens. This is truly chilling.
