More On Gillette’s “Toxic Masculinity” Ad

First off, “toxic masculinity” is a made-up term by the far-left to try to brow-beat men into behaving like they want. It has no meaning. On a personal level, the ad is offensive because with two exceptions, all of the offending men are white. Also notice that the “correctors” are often men of color. If this were reversed, the left would be screaming about “racism!”. No men in the ad from countries where women are treated like chattel, often beaten or even subject to “honor killings”. The brand manager of Gillette (I looked him up) is from a culture where women are often treated brutally. Perhaps a look in the mirror would be good for him.

On a cultural level, the ad is even more offensive because it engages in the worst types of stereotyping. Yes, men sometimes behave badly. But so do women. I can’t wait for Gillette’s ad encouraging women to find their better angles. Yeah right. Then Gillette would be condemned for “mansplaining”. This is just another shot in the culture war against men and masculinity. The far-left engages in the fantasy that men and women are the same, and wants a society where feminists and the LGBT crowd rule.

Gillette Decides to Attack Men for “Toxic Masculinity”

In an effort to “outwoke” other companies, Gillette (owned by P&G) has decided to release an ad in the US in effect telling men to “shape up” and confront their “toxic masculinity”. The ad has become a sensation and provoked much justified outrage, in my opinion, and not all of it from the right. You can watch it yourself (if you haven’t already) but it is nothing more than silly PC virtue signaling. In the ad, mostly white men (making the ad subtly racist) engage in various types of exaggerated boorish behavior. Now, “toxic masculinity” is one of many silly, meaningless made-up terms from the far-left like safe space, micro-aggression, white privilege and trigger-warning. But this represents another shot in the battle the left is carrying on against men.

When I buy a product, I want to buy the damn product, not be lectured or have a “discussion”.

What the ad didn’t mention is that virtually every advancement in human history has involved masculine men (and in many cases women, to give the ladies just due). They also founded this country (not that it is a plus for the far-left), ended slavery, stormed the Normandy beaches, won multiple wars against tyrannical regimes, put a man on the moon, and ran into the Twin Towers when they were burning, just to name a few.

Here are some other things “real men” do or don’t do:

They provide for and protect their families.

They open doors for ladies.

They do not father multiple children with multiple women out of wedlock.

They don’t leave their children without a father.

They protect the weak, like the unborn.

See if these “woke” leftists can grasp these concepts without having a melt-down.