Criminals Rejoice As Chicago Elects A Mayor Worse Than Lori Lightfoot

By the slimmest of margins Chicago elected a radical Marxist racialist (if not racist) to be its next mayor proving once again that what’s left of Chicago prefers crime, high taxes, racial division and dystopia over prosperity and peace. Either that or a majority of voters there are brain-dead morons. Brandon Johnson ran on defunding the police, dramatically higher taxes and pitting “poor blacks against rich whites”, his words not mine, and openly that he is black and his opponent white. In other words, racism.

As a former resident of the metropolis who witnessed its renaissance in the 1980’s into the 2000’s I weep for what was once a great city turned into a Marxist dystopia by inept, corrupt, evil Democrats. I fear the city cannot be saved – Chicago can’t even save itself. In 10 years Chicago will be 2008 Detroit – bankrupt, destitute and crime-ridden. I guess the only bright side is that the “conservative” who ran on saving the city lost by a mere 3 points. If this election had occurred prior to 2020 he would have lost by 20 to the Marxist.

Lori Lightfoot Destroyed Chicago

In three short years Chicago has become one of the worst places to live and work in America thanks to this awful, incompetent Marxist imbecile. Lightfoot could not have done more damage to Chicago if she had detonated a Neutron Bomb. The city has a chance to stop the madness starting today with the Mayoral primary. Pray the people there are smart enough to get rid of this parasite.

Leftist DA Is Responsible For The Murders of MSU Students

Monday night a deranged black man murdered three MSU students and wounded several others before doing the country a favor and ending his own life. He is responsible for his actions, but give an assist to leftist former DA Carol Siemon, Democrat who allowed the killer to plea out of a felony gun charge four years ago due to “racial inequity”. The former DA’s leniency toward this man due to his skin color led directly to these murders and Ms. Siemon should pay. He would still be in jail if she had any common sense or morals.

As long as corrupt, inept public officials have immunity these abominable crimes will continue. But of course, the Democrat Marxists can only scream about taking away everyone’s guns. Leftists like this DA are either willfully ignorant of human nature, don’t care about the consequences of their actions even if bright, innocent kids die at the hands of criminal scum, or most likely, they want this to happen so they can upend society and get total control. Ms. Siemon has a lot to answer to.

Who Feels Safe In Chicago?

A: nobody. Mayor Beetlejuice, Kim Foxx and Governor Tweedledum Pritzker have turned Chicago into a Hellish dystopia, and it is only going to get worse. When are corrupt, inept and possibly even criminal politicians going to be held responsible for their policies that are literally killing people?

Corrupt Democrats Are Literally Killing Chicago

The two most guilty are Mayor Beetlejuice – Lori Lightfoot and DA Kim Foxx. The city has become a warzone and young gang members commit crime with virtual impunity. If these incompetent Marxist stooges are not run out of office, the city is finished. Think Detroit in the 1980’s.

How Democrats Turned San Francisco Ino Gotham City

San Francisco was once a beautiful, safe, enjoyable city. Now it is dirty, dark and dangerous thanks to feckless Democrat “leaders”.

Here’s How The Democrats Turned San Francisco Into Gotham City | The Daily Caller

Democrats seem to do this a lot: add Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis and New York to the list. When you decriminalize crime, release thousands of dangerous felons during Covid under the guise of “compassion” and reduce policing you get more crime. People respond to incentives, even criminals. Democrats are either too stupid to get this or it is a willful part of their plan to destroy the country. Either way it is evil.

Minneapolis Has Devolved Into A Dystopian Nightmare

And even has police ‘no-go’ zones according to one soon-to-be ex-resident.

I’ve lived in Minneapolis my entire life. I’m leaving Friday. I no longer recognize my hometown. | The College Fix

This is not a product of “systemic racism” unless you are looking at the systemic racism created by the left. This is years of feckless, inept leadership and corruption by Democrats who are pretty much Marxists, as well as complete cowardice when it came to maintaining law and order. The horse has left the barn for Minneapolis and it will likely collapse until strong, ethical leadership cleans it up.

Two Brutal Attacks On Asians In New York Yesterday

And take one guess who the perpetrators were? They were not white supremacists or even white. The left-wing narrative on anti-Asian violence is quickly turning into an embarrassment for them. I wonder if the NYT, CNN, NBC ect will cover any of this? Nah. The videos are sickening and any leftist, racialist or Democrat who equivocates on this has no humanity.

NYC: Two brutal attacks on Asian-Americans in one day while onlookers do nothing (Update) (

The Latest Left-Wing Lie: “Anti-Asian Racism”

There is zero evidence that last week’s Atlanta shootings were tied to anti-Asian bias, but that did not stopped the despicable cretins in the Democrat Party and on the left from making such claims.

The Latest Left-Wing Anti-American Lie: ‘Anti-Asian Racism’ by Dennis Prager (

You want facts? Here they are.

A majority of crimes against whites are committed by whites. The same goes for blacks. The same goes for Hispanics. However, for Asians more crimes are committed against them by blacks than any other race. You won’t here that in our corrupt left-wing media. Here is an example that you will not see:

Korean Beauty Store Owner Beaten and Had Her Nose Broken by Two Women Who Shouted Racial Insults During Attack (VIDEO) (

This is also related. The media is openly lying to you about who commits mass shootings. It’s always an angry white male, right? Turns out, nope:

Photo Collage Reveals Who Commits the Mass Shootings in the US Today (

Every race is represented, even an Asian or two but the perpetrators are overwhelmingly of one color, and it isn’t white. Dishonest, hateful leftists leaped at the chance to blame a white man for the Boulder shooting, until it became apparent that the shooter was a Syrian Muslim. Oops.

At this point I wonder if the evil, corrupt left isn’t openly trying to foment a race war in America. We are in a sorry state right now.